Bellator 48 Results and Live Play-by-Play

Pat Curran vs. Marlon SandroRound 1Sandro lands first with a counter left hook. Sandro lands a slapping leg kick shortly after. Another kick to the lead leg of Curran.Sandro lands a left hook and a solid uppercut. Curran lands a kick to the lead leg…

Pat Curran vs. Marlon Sandro

Round 1

Sandro lands first with a counter left hook. Sandro lands a slapping leg kick shortly after. Another kick to the lead leg of Curran.

Sandro lands a left hook and a solid uppercut. Curran lands a kick to the lead leg of Sandro, but he takes a kick to his own lead leg in return.

Sandro’s leg kicks are doing damage in this first round. A spinning back kick scores for Sandro, but it doesn’t hurt Curran.

Sandro blocks a kick to the body and answers with a leg kick. Sandro looks for a takedown at the bell, but Curran defends.

B/R scores the round 10-9 Sandro.

Round 2

Curran opens the second round with an outside leg kick. Another leg kick scores for Curran in the first minute of the round.

Curran lands a looping right hook. Sandro lands an overhand right and uppercut. He is swinging wildly, though.

Sandro lands another right uppercut. Curran clinches, but Sandro separates quickly. Curran is cut over his left eye.

Curran lands a kick to the body. Sandro answers back with a combination to the body of his opponent. Curran cracks Sandro with a right hand.

Curran blasts Sandro with a right head kick. The Brazilian is unconscious before he hits the ground.

Curran defeats Sandro by knockout (head kick) at 4:00 of the second round.

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