Caranowatch: Former Gladiator-Turned-Fighter-Turned-Actress to Add “Superhero” to Her Resume

(Regardless of which direction Carano chooses to take this character, SUCCESS.) 

I know, I know, but just shut your mouths and listen for a second.

On the heels of a memorable role in the highly successful Fast and Furiousix and with two other projects currently in development, the newly single Gina Carano is less a budding star and more the next, Angelina Jolie, I guess? For the life of me, I cannot think of one actress I would consider an action star……..(*snap*) Sigourney Weaver! Gina Carano is the next Sigourney Weaver.

Aaaaanyway, according to the Hollywood Reporter, Carano will now be looking to add the title of “superhero” to her ever-growing film resume in the near future. The former MMA star is teaming up with comic book writer Rob Liefeld to bring his Avengelyne character to life on the silver screen, so they report:

Carano and Liefeld will be at Comic-Con on Saturday to meet with fans and sign posters that feature Carano as the character.

Carano and Liefeld are reconceiving and rebuilding the title into a starring vehicle for Carano, and the movie project is intended to be in the vein of Underworld, the popular vampire-vs.-werewolves franchise starring Kate Beckinsale.

A search for a writer or a writer-director to adapt Avengelyne will begin next week.

(Regardless of which direction Carano chooses to take this character, SUCCESS.) 

I know, I know, but just shut your mouths and listen for a second.

On the heels of a memorable role in the highly successful Fast and Furiousix and with two other projects currently in development, the newly single Gina Carano is less a budding star and more the next, Angelina Jolie, I guess? For the life of me, I cannot think of one actress I would consider an action star……..(*snap*) Sigourney Weaver! Gina Carano is the next Sigourney Weaver.

Aaaaanyway, according to the Hollywood Reporter, Carano will now be looking to add the title of “superhero” to her ever-growing film resume in the near future. The former MMA star is teaming up with comic book writer Rob Liefeld to bring his Avengelyne character to life on the silver screen, so they report:

Carano and Liefeld will be at Comic-Con on Saturday to meet with fans and sign posters that feature Carano as the character.

Carano and Liefeld are reconceiving and rebuilding the title into a starring vehicle for Carano, and the movie project is intended to be in the vein of Underworld, the popular vampire-vs.-werewolves franchise starring Kate Beckinsale.

A search for a writer or a writer-director to adapt Avengelyne will begin next week.

Kate Beckinsale may be the “sexier” of the two choices, but I am sticking with my Weaver/Carano comparison. Maybe it’s because I’m stubborn, maybe it’s because “Get away from her, you BITCH!” is something I’ve heard every single time I have been within eyesight of Gina Carano.

As I hope is true for most of you, I have never heard of Avengelyne because I moved on to books like a goddamn adult some years ago (*brushes crumb off ascot, turns to see if anyone else at Starbucks is reading this lyrical poetry*). That being the case, this might be the first comic book I have ever been excited to see turned into a blatant cash grab franchise. I mean, just LOOK at that outfit.

Thinly veiled attempt to sequitur into lip-biting gif and…


J. Jones