When we last updated you on Thursday, our “Fight for ALF!” fundraiser had brought in just short of $3,200, which meant we had virtually no chance of hitting our $5,000 goal by Sunday night’s deadline. Maybe it wasn’t a total victory, but it was still an amazing display of the Potato Nation’s support for a struggling comrade, and nobody appreciated it more than angrylittlefeet herself.
So, I woke up this morning and found out that an Australian dude named Nicholas Troy donated $1,719 in the last hour of the official donation drive, bringing our total up to an even five grand. It’s a damn miracle. We did it. Thank you, Nicholas — we’ll never be able to say that enough, but we’re blown away by your generosity. Thanks so much for making this happen.
The stunning four-figure donation means that Nicholas wins the signed, framed photo of Georges St. Pierre, from the personal collection of The12ozCurls.
Our second-place donation was a whopping $500 from a member of the MMA industry who wishes to remain anonymous — but we have a pair of MMA gloves signed by Bas Rutten if he wants ‘em, courtesy of Chris Colemon.
The third-place donor was Eoghan Hughes, who sent us $420 in total donations. He wins either the GSP relic cards from 12ozCurls, or that UFC 127 program from Jason Moles that was signed by everyone from Kenny Florian to Brittney Palmer — his choice.
And fourth place, earning “whatever we have left,” is pumpkinking11, who donated $150.
We’ll be in touch with all you guys soon — as well as with all the folks who pledged $50 and have a CagePotato t-shirt coming their way — to get your mailing info and start sending out the prizes. Thanks so much to everybody who kicked in some money, or helped spread the word on Facebook and Twitter. And please follow Laura Nicholson on twitter @angrylittlefeet, where she’ll continue to update us on her battle against Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Love y’all.