Sean Spencer: A Dream worth Waiting For

Since Sean Spencer decided to dedicate himself to a career in mixed martial arts, seeing his name on the UFC roster has been a large part of the dream. While the goal of becoming champion still has the lion’s share of the vision, battling his way into the Octagon has been one step of that ambition realized—and sometimes the payoff is worth the wait.After building a solid buzz on the strength of an electric run on the regional circuit, Spencer suddenly saw the doors to the next level of MMA beginning to open. Offers from some of the larger promotions in the sport began to roll in, but the one o … Read the Full Article Here

Since Sean Spencer decided to dedicate himself to a career in mixed martial arts, seeing his name on the UFC roster has been a large part of the dream. While the goal of becoming champion still has the lion’s share of the vision, battling his way into the Octagon has been one step of that ambition realized—and sometimes the payoff is worth the wait.After building a solid buzz on the strength of an electric run on the regional circuit, Spencer suddenly saw the doors to the next level of MMA beginning to open. Offers from some of the larger promotions in the sport began to roll in, but the one o … Read the Full Article Here