Second UFC Gym to open in California this summer

Las Vegas, NV (USA) – When the doors opened at the first UFC® Gym™ in Concord, Calif. late last year, the response from fitness enthusiasts was overwhelming. From the time membership enrollment began in June 2009, nearly 3,500 people signed up to take part in UFC Gym’s incredible experience. From training inside the hallowed Octagon™ to tackling UFC Gym’s Ultimate TRX workout, exercise fans in the Concord area came out in droves to participate in the next wave of fitness.

Las Vegas, NV (USA) – When the doors opened at the first UFC® Gym™ in Concord, Calif. late last year, the response from fitness enthusiasts was overwhelming. From the time membership enrollment began in June 2009, nearly 3,500 people signed up to take part in UFC Gym’s incredible experience. From training inside the hallowed Octagon™ to tackling UFC Gym’s Ultimate TRX workout, exercise fans in the Concord area came out in droves to participate in the next wave of fitness.