Campuzano: Desperation to Inspiration

Whether he’s in the gym or the Octagon, UFC flyweight Will Campuzano has learned how MMA can change a person’s life, a realization that came to him after experiencing a harrowing childhood that he wouldn’t wish on anyone.“Early in my life I was abused by a sexual predator and I was emotionally broken for a long time,” he said. “I was really tormented by it and I had a lot of shame and anger that comes with it. After that happened, I took the wrong path that in my mind, I thought was the correct one.”Confused and alone, and with his mother struggling to care for him, he became a bully. “I was b … Read the Full Article Here

Whether he’s in the gym or the Octagon, UFC flyweight Will Campuzano has learned how MMA can change a person’s life, a realization that came to him after experiencing a harrowing childhood that he wouldn’t wish on anyone.“Early in my life I was abused by a sexual predator and I was emotionally broken for a long time,” he said. “I was really tormented by it and I had a lot of shame and anger that comes with it. After that happened, I took the wrong path that in my mind, I thought was the correct one.”Confused and alone, and with his mother struggling to care for him, he became a bully. “I was b … Read the Full Article Here