Rolles Gracie Leading The Way for The Next Generation

Thomas Gerbasi, UFC – If there is one trademark of the Gracie family, it’s the remarkable ability to perform and persevere in situations that would break most people. Whether it was Royce fighting and beating those who were bigger, stronger, and faster than him in the early UFC’s, Renzo refusing to tap out to Kazushi Sakuraba’s kimura in PRIDE, Rickson’s overall brilliance in competition, the understated grace of Royler, or the intensity of Ryan, the members of the first family of mixed martial arts have been remarkably proficient at defusing pressure when the lights are at their brightest.

Thomas Gerbasi, UFC – If there is one trademark of the Gracie family, it’s the remarkable ability to perform and persevere in situations that would break most people. Whether it was Royce fighting and beating those who were bigger, stronger, and faster than him in the early UFC’s, Renzo refusing to tap out to Kazushi Sakuraba’s kimura in PRIDE, Rickson’s overall brilliance in competition, the understated grace of Royler, or the intensity of Ryan, the members of the first family of mixed martial arts have been remarkably proficient at defusing pressure when the lights are at their brightest.