Masanori Kanehara: It’s Not the Start, but the Finish

TOKYO, September 18 – It’s always interesting to travel to different places and hear unique perspectives on things you thought you had a handle on. And you did, but it was just your handle on it, your way of thinking, and that doesn’t…

TOKYO, September 18 – It’s always interesting to travel to different places and hear unique perspectives on things you thought you had a handle on. And you did, but it was just your handle on it, your way of thinking, and that doesn’t necessarily mean it was right.
Take the career of UFC newcomer Masanori Kanehara for example. When the Tokyo native started off as a professional in 2003, his record was a less than attractive 1-3-3. In the United States, if that didn’t bury a young fighter’s dreams, other people would help bury them for him. But in a Japanese fight … Read the Full Article Here