Club IGN – Ultimate Fighter® Episode 4 Blog

I read that Mike Dolce may have thought he was overtrained going into his fight. My bad on that. The thing about Mike Dolce being overtrained is that a lot of those guys came into the show training real hard because they were cast months in advance, and my dumb ass was not aware of that. My whole theory is to not to overtrain guys, just to have them do enough to be ready to fight. Mike Dolce said that he was at his breaking point, but I did not catch it or understand what he was talking about, so we kept pushing him. Had he been more specific or explicit in not wanting to go any further, I would have let up a lot. I made a lot of mistakes with him because I didn’t have enough time to get to know him and what he’d respond to in training. I blame myself for that loss. Mike, if you readin’ this, I’m sorry man