Ronda Rousey: I don’t have a celebrity crush, I have the sexiest bearded man on earth at home

UFC women’s bantamweight star, Ronda Rousey and NY Giants wide receiver Odell Beckham Jr. answer a variety of questions as they get to know each other. Ronda Rousey has been mostly off the media grid for the last four months, appearing only …

UFC women’s bantamweight star, Ronda Rousey and NY Giants wide receiver Odell Beckham Jr. answer a variety of questions as they get to know each other.

Ronda Rousey has been mostly off the media grid for the last four months, appearing only a handful of times on select outlets. The UFC women’s bantamweight star made her most recent appearance in the debut of a new DraftKings series called Face 2 Face. She and New York Giants wide receiver, Odell Beckham Jr. answer a variety of questions in the first episode called, Getting To Know You.  It’s an entertaining four minutes, so I took the liberty of transcribing it for our readers.

*Video courtesy of Draftkings*

What animal do you most identify with?

Ronda Rousey: The animal I would most identify with, well maybe not identify with, but the one I would most want to be, if I had to pick an animal, is the dolphin, for a couple reasons. This isn’t directed at you, it’s just in general. I think dolphins are one of the few species on earth that have sex recreationally. They also have really complex social systems and they’re really sweet to each other, you know? Dolphins kind of like cuddle and caress each other.

I just watch all these documentaries and it’s like…that lion shit, it’s just mean. That’s like a really terrible relationship. I don’t want to be in a lion relationship. “Hey, I’m the new guy in town. I’m gonna kill your babies and f*ck you in the forest.” Like what? No, I don’t want to be a lion, I want to be a dolphin.

Odell Beckham Jr: Well, I don’t want to be a lion anymore [Ronda laughs]. I would probably have to say something like a shark. Just something that’s so feared, so powerful in their own environment. I heard they kill dolphins too, but that’s beside the point.

Honestly, and people don’t believe me when I say this, I don’t have a celebrity crush. I have the sexiest bearded man on earth at home, so I have no need to have crushes on anybody. I’m very well satisfied.-Ronda Rousey

Ronda Rousey: Well some dolphins kill sharks, like bottlenose dolphins can kill sharks.

Odell Beckham Jr: I’m talking about one of the world’s biggest sharks, you know, the great white.

Ronda Rousey: Yeah, the great white is the biggest shark. Well, the carnivorous shark, because the whale shark is bigger, but it eats plankton.

Odell Beckham Jr: I’m a carnivore.

Ronda Rousey: Okay. Great white shark, that’s a good one.

What’s your favorite fantasy sport?

Ronda Rousey: That would be dodgeball with lasers. I’ve fantasized about that every day…dodgeball with lasers. Also, underwater fighting.

Odell Beckham Jr: You’re not gonna get as much [makes movement motions].

Ronda Rousey: You know that Muhammad Ali picture when he’s under the pool? I want to do that, for real, with somebody else there to go after. You could just swim and like uh [punching motion]. We’ve seen these things with surfers punching sharks. I want to know how it would really work out. One person, one shark, one pool. Bullfighting, but with sharks. That’s my fantasy sport.

Odell Beckham Jr: Wow! I don’t even know how I can compete with that fantasy sport. I guess it would be playing basketball on a huge trampoline court. I want to take off from the three-point line and just fly to the hoop.

Ronda Rousey: The hoops should be on the ceiling.

Odell Beckham Jr: The trampoline better be pretty bouncy then.

Biggest celebrity crush?

Ronda Rousey: Honestly, and people don’t believe me when I say this, I don’t have a celebrity crush. I have the sexiest bearded man on earth at home, so I have no need to have crushes on anybody. I’m very well satisfied.

Odell Beckham Jr: That’s good. Celebrity crush? J-Lo. J-Lo is probably….still today…

Ronda Rousey: Definitely. And then your kids, they’re gonna be like, that’d be like a different species of human. Go for it.

Odell Beckham Jr: She’s taken probably [sniffs sadly].

Ronda Rousey: I don’t think so. Is she?

Odell Beckham Jr: Is she taken [to the staffers off camera]?

Staffers: She’s dating Casper Smart. She likes younger guys, too. You’re in the kill zone.

Ronda Rousey: [Laughs] You’re in the kill zone.

Staffers: She loves dancers, too.

Odell Beckham Jr: Aw shit.

Ronda Rousey: The next video will be all Odell’s greatest dancing hits [laughs].