WEC 47 weigh-ins to coincide with Arnold Sports Festival on March 6

To tap into the thousands of sports fans already in town, World Extreme Cagefighting officials have opted to hold weigh-ins for next month’s WEC 47 event in conjunction with the Arnold Sports Festival.

Rather than holding the weigh-ins at WEC 47 host site Nationwide Arena, the weigh-ins will be hosted nearby at the Greater Columbus Convention Center in Ohio, WEC officials today confirmed with MMAjunkie.com.

The weigh-ins take place Friday, March 6, at 5 p.m. ET (2 p.m. PT).

To tap into the thousands of sports fans already in town, World Extreme Cagefighting officials have opted to hold weigh-ins for next month’s WEC 47 event in conjunction with the Arnold Sports Festival.

Rather than holding the weigh-ins at WEC 47 host site Nationwide Arena, the weigh-ins will be hosted nearby at the Greater Columbus Convention Center in Ohio, WEC officials today confirmed with MMAjunkie.com.

The weigh-ins take place Friday, March 6, at 5 p.m. ET (2 p.m. PT).