“Rampage Jackson” and Rashad Evans Confirm May 29th Bout

Twitter can be a wonderful or damn annoying thing. In fact, it’s just like the internet; at times providing unfettered access to vitally important knowledge, or an opportunity for morons to drone on incessantly about sh-t they know nothing about. Like anyone gives an eff (hey wait a sec…).  This time around Twitter has blessed […]


Twitter can be a wonderful or damn annoying thing. In fact, it’s just like the internet; at times providing unfettered access to vitally important knowledge, or an opportunity for morons to drone on incessantly about sh-t they know nothing about. Like anyone gives an eff (hey wait a sec…).  This time around Twitter has blessed us all, as both Quinton “Rampage” Jackson and Rashad Evans have confirmed the date of their upcoming bout, before the official word came down.

For those that don’t know. I fight Quinton May 29th in Vegas at the MGM. I’m gonna do most of my camp in Denver at Grudge still team Jackson.

 I’m knocking Rashad out May 29th!! It’s on!!

Sweet, although unfortunately much of the hype that had built up during Rampage’s and Rashad’s numerous hee hee, ha ha, ‘here they go again’ moments during the last season of TUF has faded; we’re still damn excited to see them throw down. Kevin Iole noted in his recent mailbag (thanks to Cage Potato for the heads up) that he thought Rampage looked “plump” in Australia. Yeah, we noticed that too while watching this weekend’s UFC, although we weren’t sure if it was a case of ‘that’s just from the lighting’ gut. Iole also mentioned he saw Rampage smoking a cigarette…Hollywood…

Anyways, we thought Rampage would be back, now let’s all sit back and enjoy the show.