Jose Aldo official for UFC 129 slot; four additional contests set for Toronto

UFC featherweight champion Jose Aldo will fight in Toronto.

UFC officials today announced on this week’s edition of “UFC Ultimate
Insider” that the WEC’s final 145-pound champion will make his octagon
debut at UFC 129, which takes place April 30 at Ro…

UFC featherweight champion Jose Aldo will fight in Toronto.

UFC officials today announced on this week’s edition of “UFC Ultimate
Insider” that the WEC’s final 145-pound champion will make his octagon
debut at UFC 129, which takes place April 30 at Rogers Centre in

Aldo will face an opponent yet to be determined, though UFC president
Dana White recently announced that if Mark Hominick is victorious at
Saturday’s UFC Fight Night 23 event, the Canadian slugger will earn the