Land of the Giants 2.0

Michael DiSanto, UFC – For the last several months, the UFC heavyweight division was in very real limbo as its ruler, Brock Lesnar, battled a mysterious illness that momentarily threatened his career. The illness was later revealed to be diverticulitis, and the champ recently received a clean bill of health and is champing at the bit to lay the two cinder blocks he calls fists into someone’s dome. Things are therefore back to normal in the Land of the Giants.
Well, almost. The 2010 version of the sport’s ruling class is a vast improvement over what it was just a year ago.

Michael DiSanto, UFC – For the last several months, the UFC heavyweight division was in very real limbo as its ruler, Brock Lesnar, battled a mysterious illness that momentarily threatened his career. The illness was later revealed to be diverticulitis, and the champ recently received a clean bill of health and is champing at the bit to lay the two cinder blocks he calls fists into someone’s dome. Things are therefore back to normal in the Land of the Giants.
Well, almost. The 2010 version of the sport’s ruling class is a vast improvement over what it was just a year ago.