Doomsday likes to punch up, up . . . up and away!

Chuck Mindenhall, UFC – One of the more interesting yet barely discussed subplots in the battle between up-and-coming welterweight John Howard and stalwart Dennis Hallman this past December was the impossibly coincidental clash of the nicknames—Doomsday versus Superman. In the DC Comic world, the berserk killing machine Doomsday ended Superman’s run as a super-productive Samaritan with an aggressive stand-and-trade philosophy. After the two exchanged shockwave inducing hands, the turning point came when Superman died.

Chuck Mindenhall, UFC – One of the more interesting yet barely discussed subplots in the battle between up-and-coming welterweight John Howard and stalwart Dennis Hallman this past December was the impossibly coincidental clash of the nicknames—Doomsday versus Superman. In the DC Comic world, the berserk killing machine Doomsday ended Superman’s run as a super-productive Samaritan with an aggressive stand-and-trade philosophy. After the two exchanged shockwave inducing hands, the turning point came when Superman died.