Wanderlei Silva Says Win Over Michael Bisping “Tasty”

Ok, so the above headline may be one of the strangest you’ve seen related to the sport of MMA, although if it had been BJ Penn saying it, maybe not so much? After all, Penn is a guy that has been known to lick the blood off his gloves shortly after a win, and that’s […]

Wanderlei Silva

Ok, so the above headline may be one of the strangest you’ve seen related to the sport of MMA, although if it had been BJ Penn saying it, maybe not so much? After all, Penn is a guy that has been known to lick the blood off his gloves shortly after a win, and that’s the other’s dude’s blood remember…( we could insert some contrived pop-culture vampire reference here to try to sound hip, but really, our vampire knowledge begins and ends with “The Lost Boys”)

At any rate, the headline stems from a recent interview that Wanderlei Silva did with Sherdog.com, and when asked to comment on his recent Unanimous Decision victory over  Michael “The Count” Bisping (here is another opening for a vampire joke), “The Axe Murderer” stated:

“This win was probably one of the most tasty of my career. I was eight months out of the Octagon and had to overcome a lot of challenges like the new weight, but I’m happy everything went out fine,” said Silva. “I got very close to winning three bonuses. If they had the almost best submission, almost best knockout – I probably would have won also the almost best fight of the night.”

Ok, so now you finally have the context for ‘what the hell’ we’re talking about. Most tasty huh? That’s an interesting way to look at it; we also equate satisfaction to taste, particularly when that taste stems from greasy or sugary foods. It was a huge win for Wand, no doubt, and if he takes out Yoshihiro Akiyama next he’ll really be rolling at 185.