Anderson Silva: UFC superfight with Georges St-Pierre "must happen someday"

Jake Shields and Yushin Okami might not agree, but UFC middleweight
champion Anderson Silva believes a superfight with welterweight kingpin
Georges St-Pierre lies on the horizon.

Silva shared his thoughts on the long-rumored superfight with Mike

Jake Shields and Yushin Okami might not agree, but UFC middleweight
champion Anderson Silva believes a superfight with welterweight kingpin
Georges St-Pierre lies on the horizon.

Silva shared his thoughts on the long-rumored superfight with Mike
Straka on this week’s new episode of HDNet’s “Fighting Words with Mike

“Georges St-Pierre is one of the best,” Silva said. “He’s shown that
he’s a great athlete, and I really train hard everyday to fight the
best. I do believe it’s a superfight, and it’s a fight that must happen