Latest UFC Undisputed Tutorial Released

If upon reading this post’s title your first reaction was ‘these nerds aren’t going on again about that new UFC game are they?’’, well then, yes, it’s probably best if you move along in your rich and complicated life. For those of you who have been touched by the magic of video games, and in […]


If upon reading this post’s title your first reaction was ‘these nerds aren’t going on again about that new UFC game are they?’’, well then, yes, it’s probably best if you move along in your rich and complicated life. For those of you who have been touched by the magic of video games, and in particular, UFC Undisputed, please read along.

THQ continues to roll out previews for the soon to be released 2010 version of UFC Undisputed, and as we noted last week, so far, it’s looking pretty, pretty, pretty good. It looks like they’ve upgraded the career mode substantially (which was on the weak side in the original version) and added fighter personalities to the mix (no word yet if there’s a secret code for ‘expletives’).

In this latest preview with the game’s producer Neven Dravinski  and grappling guru Marc Laimon (who you may notice evidently has a posture resembling that of a perfectly straight statue), the two outline some of the improvements for the game’s fight engine. Among the many cool additions, swaying (yes footage of Anderson Silva destroying Forrest Griffin was used to demonstrate this), cage physics and submission transitions in particular caught our eye.

We’re looking forward to wasting hours of potential productive labor starting May 25th. To check out the full interview head here.