Paul Daleys UFC 113 Blog Part II

By Paul Daley – I’m packing my gear and ready to fly out of England. In case you haven’t heard, it is Fraggle Hunting Season in Canada, and I’ve packed a ton of Semtex in my suitcase to blow that critter away. Some people think it is cruel to hunt Fraggles – and they are on the endangered species list – but like rats they are actually vermin with weird dirty hair and they have to be exterminated before they breed.

By Paul Daley – I’m packing my gear and ready to fly out of England. In case you haven’t heard, it is Fraggle Hunting Season in Canada, and I’ve packed a ton of Semtex in my suitcase to blow that critter away. Some people think it is cruel to hunt Fraggles – and they are on the endangered species list – but like rats they are actually vermin with weird dirty hair and they have to be exterminated before they breed.