Win Some Cool Prizes From Hayabusa With the ‘CagePotato Cage Cameo Contest’

CagePotatos Cage Cameo Contest – Watch MoreFunny Videos

As promised, here is our latest nifty contest offering for the Potato Nation. We went through some drama to get it out to you today that involved salvaging the video from a coffee-soaked MacBook Pro, so just remember that we always come through for you guys.

So here’s the deal: Check out the video above and write down all of the names of the films and television shows and the MMA personalities who appear in each clip. Email your best guess HERE by Friday, October 21, 2011 at 12:00 pm ET. Only one entry per person.

Check out the prizes after the jump.

CagePotatos Cage Cameo Contest – Watch MoreFunny Videos

As promised, here is our latest nifty contest offering for the Potato Nation. We went through some drama to get it out to you today that involved salvaging the video from a coffee-soaked MacBook Pro, so just remember that we always come through for you guys.

So here’s the deal: Check out the video above and write down all of the names of the films and television shows and the MMA personalities who appear in each clip. Email your best guess HERE by Friday, October 21, 2011 at 12:00 pm ET. Only one entry per person.

In the case that we have more than one correct entry, or more than one “almost correct” entry if nobody guesses right, the prospective winners’ names will be put in a Kentucky Fried Chicken bucket and a winning name will be drawn on Friday afternoon.

As for the prizes, Hayabusa has set us up with some cool street wear including a hooded “Uwagi” jacket and various signature t-shirts. The retail price of the package including applicable taxes and shipping is over $300. With fall around the corner, the Uwagi jacket, which is lined and made with actual gi material, will come in handy.

Just a tip: don’t post your answers in the comment section if you plan to enter. If you aren’t going to send in a ballot, feel free to help out your fellow readers or to prove you know your obscure MMA cameo clips.

Special thanks to Hayabusa. They have some great gear that you can check out on their website. If you like their products, remember to vote for them for the Fighters Only World MMA Awards.