Strickland Details ‘Salty’ Rock Climbing Encounter

“He is way worse than me,” Strickland said about his brother. “He just can’t fight lol!” An old clip of Sean Strickland and his brother is making the rounds on social media — and it caught a lot of combat sports fans by surprise…

“He is way worse than me,” Strickland said about his brother. “He just can’t fight lol!”

An old clip of Sean Strickland and his brother is making the rounds on social media — and it caught a lot of combat sports fans by surprise.

Most people didn’t realize Strickland had a brother, nor did they think the former middleweight champion was capable of holding his temper. Understandable, when you consider how many times someone gets slugged whenever “Tarzan” is in town.

So what happened?

“This is the god’s honest truth: I went to this place because you can use your own rope, clip in wherever and climb whatever route you want,” Strickland wrote on Twitter. “So I’m there for about 45 minutes and I meet this pretty dope female climber, so we start climbing together and talking. Literally just being friendly, not hitting on her anything. So apparently this was her [boyfriend] and after being there for an hour this salty dork comes up to me and says, ‘Do you have a certification? You can’t climb this without getting one from the gym.’ I had zero idea you needed one. No one told me.”

Maybe the boyfriend thought he was “Shawn” Strickland.

“I was mad because you could of asked me when I signed the waiver, or when I paid, or when I was climbing but instead you chose to ask me 45 minutes in after I meet your girl,” Strickland continued. “Just a c*nt move to do: ‘I don’t like you being friends with my girl, show me your certification, okay now leave.’ Lmao well played sir… but yes I very much wanted to hit him but I didn’t want to go to jail more lol.”

As his brother warned, that “salty dork” avoided a potential “life-changing event.”

The former middleweight champion is planning to remain on the sidelines until late 2023 or early 2024, a timeline that is dependent on the recently-announced title fight between newly-crowned titleholder Dricus Du Plessis and former division kingpin Israel Adesanya.

For much more on that upcoming showdown at UFC 305 in Perth click here.