Strikeforce eyes Houston and Phoenix in August, going international within a year

LOS ANGELES – As Strikeforce continues its expansion across the U.S., the promotion’s
CEO, Scott Coker, says a pair of new cities each are likely to host an
event in August.

While Coker insisted that nothing yet is set in stone, on Wednesday
night the…

LOS ANGELES – As Strikeforce continues its expansion across the U.S., the promotion’s
CEO, Scott Coker, says a pair of new cities each are likely to host an
event in August.

While Coker insisted that nothing yet is set in stone, on Wednesday
night the Strikeforce exec confirmed previous reports that both Houston
and Phoenix
are in the running for late summer events.

But according to Coker, Strikeforce has no intentions of staying within
U.S. borders, and international fans can expect to see the company
spreading across the globe within the next 12 months.