All Thuds For Kimbo

Mitrione lit Kimbo up with leg kicks and utilized some great ground techniques first with locking a slew of triangles up on Kimbo, but just couldn’t get that leg over the ankle only the foot and eventually Kimbo escaped.
Later on more leg kicks that absolutely took Kimbo out. Haven’t seen that kind of leg kick […]

Mitrione lit Kimbo up with leg kicks and utilized some great ground techniques first with locking a slew of triangles up on Kimbo, but just couldn’t get that leg over the ankle only the foot and eventually Kimbo escaped.

Later on more leg kicks that absolutely took Kimbo out. Haven’t seen that kind of leg kick damage since Pete Spratt made Robbie Lawler tap to leg kicks.

One leg kick drops Kimbo, and Mitrione locks up another gator roll. A move you rarely see in the cage. Last time I remember seeing that move was Randy Couture vs Mike Van Arsdale. It was a great choice as he rolled Kimbo twice.

Eventually Mitrione takes mount for the majority of the round and Mirgliotta stops the fight after Matt was on top dropping mostly rabbit punches and a few power shots for what seemed to be over a minute.