(Pic props: Tapout Cancer via MMAPayout.com)
Apparently Dana White isn’t the only person in the MMA community who keeps a cease and desist in their back pocket, eagerly awaiting to ruin someone’s fun.
MMAPayout.com is reporting that Authentic Brands Group, owner of MMA brands Sinister, Silverstar and Tapout, has officially served notice to the non-profit cancer awareness company Tap Out Cancer over the use of a federally trademarked word ‘tapout’.
All I can think about is Mask rolling over in his grave right now. First the “bro deals” went out the window and now this. I understand the business logic behind the decision. However, I feel it’s a missed opportunity for the most recognizable MMA apparel company to have a positive impact in the lives of others while gaining the hearts of media everywhere. What do you guys think?