Big L! Defeated Fighter’s Marriage Proposal Gets KO’d In Cage

Instagram – Clash of the Stars

Lukas Bukovaz’s girlfriend turned down his in-cage proposal at Clash of the Stars in Czech Republic, claiming the fighter cheated on her. Brutal. It was a rough night in the cage for Czech …

Instagram – Clash of the Stars

Lukas Bukovaz’s girlfriend turned down his in-cage proposal at Clash of the Stars in Czech Republic, claiming the fighter cheated on her. Brutal.

It was a rough night in the cage for Czech fighter Lukas Bukovaz, who lost his fight at local event Clash of the Stars and then had his marriage proposal shot down in front of a crowd of amused onlookers.

Lots of women aren’t fans of public proposals, and it seems Bukovaz’s girlfriend is amongst those who don’t like to be put on the spot … especially when they believe they’ve been cheated on by their significant other.

Jan Michalek won a two-on-one fight against Bukovaz and Patrik Horvath (yes, really), but that didn’t stop “Bukys” from shooting his shot and getting brutally refused. Video from the event showed the pink-haired fighter down on his knee making the proposal, and things immediately didn’t look good as his girlfriend covered her face in embarrassment.

“Based on everything that’s happened, I think probably not,” she said. “I don’t think so.”

The crowd erupted in boos and someone outside the cage went so far as to try and throw water on her. She held up her hand to explain, claiming Bukovaz had cheated on her and even dropped the woman’s name.

“I didn’t cheat on her,” Bukovaz said in a backstage interview afterward, which he posted to his Instagram along with the initial video of her refusal. “Bukys” has over 16,000 followers on the platform, and with this kind of content we can see why. Was it staged for clicks? We can only hope so.

As usual, European MMA is undefeated at delivering some of the strangest moments in combat sports.