Chat Wrap-Up: UFC 162, fighter pay, Fight Master and other unanswered questions

You know the rules. If the weekly MMA Fighting live chat gets over 500 comments, we do an extra 30 minutes of live chat action on Friday. That day is today.
Everything is the same. You can still list questions here, but I’m going to…


You know the rules. If the weekly MMA Fighting live chat gets over 500 comments, we do an extra 30 minutes of live chat action on Friday. That day is today.

Everything is the same. You can still list questions here, but I’m going to start with what was left undone on the previous live chat thread. Please be civil, original and thoughtful.

We will get started at 4 p.m. ET. If you want to ask a question on Twitter, be sure to use the #chatwrappers hashtag.

The video window will be embedded here just before the chat goes live. Talk to you soon.