Chris Leben clarifies felony arrest, says there was no domestic violence

Chris Leben was arrested last week on six charges, including a felony. But he wants to make it very clear that none of them involved domestic violence.
The popular former UFC fighter told on Monday evening that it was reporte…

Chris Leben was arrested last week on six charges, including a felony. But he wants to make it very clear that none of them involved domestic violence.

The popular former UFC fighter told on Monday evening that it was reported over the weekend by multiple websites, including, that Leben had been involved in a domestic abuse incident. Leben said that is not the case.

“Absolutely ridiculous,” Leben said. “I don’t know where they got that. There’s absolutely no truth to it.”

Leben, 35, was arrested last Wednesday on charges of possession of an assault weapon, two counts of vandalism, two counts of trespassing and a count of violating a temporary order of protection, a San Diego Police Department spokesperson confirmed with on Monday. None of the charges involve assault or violence, the spokesperson said.

A public records request by for the official arrest report is pending.

Leben, who retired from MMA in 2013, is now out on $100,000 bond after spending four days in jail. The Oregon native and current San Diego resident pleaded not guilty and is due back in court Aug. 3, according to a spokesman from the San Diego County Sheriff’s office.

“Everybody else went out and quoted it,” Leben said of the false domestic violence accusation. “Once one person says something then it’s like free rein for everyone else to quote. Like, ‘He said it.’ That’s damaging to my character.”

Leben said the incident happened more than a month ago, but he was only arrested last week. He said after separating from his wife, Kaleena Leben, he returned to his home. Leben said he didn’t damage anything, so he doesn’t know where the vandalism charge came from. He did admit that his wife has a temporary order of protection against him, but he said the claims made in that document are false. Leben would not comment on the weapons charge, per advice from his lawyer.

Leben said that he is actually the one who was a repeated victim of abuse from his wife, who he has been with for nine years. He said the constant abuse caused him to cut himself and part ways with his job coaching at Victory MMA. Leben is now working at One Training Center in Spring Valley, Calif.

“When it’s 2 a.m. and my wife decides to attack me and I have to run barefoot out of the house and find somewhere to sleep, it’s tough,” Leben said. “And I put up with that for years.”

Leben has been open about his struggles with substance abuse. He has been arrested twice for DUI. “The Crippler,” best known for his stint on the first-ever season of ‘The Ultimate Fighter’ reality show, said he has not used pain pills in four years, but he has been on and off with alcohol.

“Everybody knows I wear my problems on my sleeve,” Leben said. “I have no problem telling you, ‘Yeah, I fucked up and I have issues.’ I’m struggling through life just like everybody else.”

The one thing, though, that he said he has never done is abuse a woman.

“When it comes to my character, that’s the one thing I hold dear,” Leben said. “I’m an outlaw with ethics. You know what I’m saying? There’s honor among thieves. There’s certain laws I don’t f*cking believe in and there [are] others I believe in. There’s a certain way I live my life and one thing I would never do is beat or hurt a woman ever. And any man that ever does that is a f*cking piece of sh*t and deserves to get shot in the head. I’ve never done anything like that.”

And that is why Leben said was hurt by the false reporting of domestic violence. Leben said he has a new girlfriend now and is focusing on coaching at One Training Center. His goal is to become an elite MMA coach.

“The last thing I need is this mess to tarnish my name,” Leben said. … “All I want to do is focus on coaching, being healthy, obviously staying sober and this is such a nightmare. It really is. It’s a nightmare.”