Corey Anderson has too much future to look back

An old wrestling coach of Corey Anderson’s had a hard and fast rule about getting upset over losses. Anderson and his teammates were allowed to be sad when they lost — just not for very long, before getting back to work.”It’s that wrestling mentality,…

An old wrestling coach of Corey Anderson’s had a hard and fast rule about getting upset over losses. Anderson and his teammates were allowed to be sad when they lost — just not for very long, before getting back to work.”It’s that wrestling mentality,” the UFC light heavyweight said.”You wrestled every weekend, so very few go undefeated. That coach always told us that we had five minutes to sulk over a loss, and that was it. For five minutes, we could cry, cuss, whatever we needed to. But, he told us that he didn’t want to hear anything else about the loss once we came back.”Anderson had to … Read the Full Article Here