Dan Hardy Believes He Has Advantage in Long Bout With GSP

Now that the countdown clock has kicked into high gear for the upcoming March 27th bout between Dan Hardy and UFC Welterweight Georges St. Pierre (yes time does in fact speed up as a fight draws nearer- just don’t ask any physicist), seems like you’re hard pressed not to find some coverage on Hardy in […]

dan hardy

Now that the countdown clock has kicked into high gear for the upcoming March 27th bout between Dan Hardy and UFC Welterweight Georges St. Pierre (yes time does in fact speed up as a fight draws nearer- just don’t ask any physicist), seems like you’re hard pressed not to find some coverage on Hardy in the UK press.

At any rate, most of the pre-fight coverage regarding Hardy has focused on his ongoing ‘hate-hate’’ relationship with Mike Swick and Josh Koscheck. Really, Hardy, hasn’t had too much to say in way of smack talk towards GSP; being one of the world’s best pound-for-pound fighters usually limits your opponent’s dissing opportunities. In Hardy’s blog on the UK ESPN site, however, the welterweight has made some interesting comments, stating he’ll have the advantage the longer their UFC 111 bout last.

The longer this fight goes, the more it sways in my direction. No doubt. I get better the deeper a fight goes on, and the more time I can put pressure on GSP the more he’s going to get discouraged that he hasn’t been able to get me out of there. I love the longer fights, I hope this fight is going to be the one that really gives me the mental examination that I crave.

Huh. That’s an interesting take on it. Not sure Thiago Alves, BJ Penn or Jon Fitch felt like GSP was wavering past the third, but they weren’t as heavy underdogs either. Maybe GSP will feel some pressure to get Hardy out of there?