And it wasn’t even “This very night, before the rooster crows, my coaches will disown me three times.”
With the news that TJ Dillashaw has been caught by USADA over multiple tests using EPO, the former bantamweight champion doesn’t have a whole lot of defenders. Even his own strength and conditioning coach just pulled a “How shameful, I had no idea!” on him. Now it’s time to hear from Dillashaw’s longtime striking coach Duane “Bang” Ludwig, who helped Dillashaw go from PED using fighter to PED using champion.
”He is not the first nor will he be the last but yes it is inexcusable!” Ludwig wrote on his Instagram. “People make mistakes BUT *shrug emoji* he’s still my Ninja!”
He followed that up with #StillMyNinja, a pray emoji, #KillaShaw, and a fist / lightning bolt combo. And then a Jesus quote.
“He that is without sin among you, let him cast the first stone – Jesus Christ”
??? ??
So is Duane saying all the fighters Dillashaw beat that haven’t tested positive for performance enhancing drugs get to throw stones? That’s good, because Cody Garbrandt already has a nice big rock pile and seems prepared to chuck ‘em at TJ’s head until his suspension ends in 2021.
What do you think, Maniacs? Is Dillashaw #StillYourNinja?