Eddie Bravo vs. Royler Gracie full fight video

Watch Eddie Bravo vs. Royler Gracie full fight video from their first encounter at the ADCC submission wrestling championships in 2003.Bravo won the fight in the quarterfinals, defeating Gracie via triangle choke.
“He’s a legend. I can’t believe I …

Watch Eddie Bravo vs. Royler Gracie full fight video from their first encounter at the ADCC submission wrestling championships in 2003.

Bravo won the fight in the quarterfinals, defeating Gracie via triangle choke.

“He’s a legend. I can’t believe I won. I can’t believe I won,” Bravo said after the 2003 fight.

Bravo and Gracie will square off again Saturday night in the main event on Metamoris 3 on pay-per-view.