Fight for ALF Update: “I F*cking Look Like Yoda”…But Otherwise, Things Could Be Worse

Before we get to this week’s update from Laura “Angrylittlefeet” Nicholson, I just wanted to point out that our Fight for ALF!” fund-raising drive ends on July 28th, and we’re currently waaaay short of our goal. Not to sound like a public radio DJ, but if you were thinking about donating, please don’t wait any longer — do it today! Remember, a $50 donation gets you a CagePotato t-shirt. (All shirts will be shipped to their donors early next month.) So without further ado…the ALF Telethon is on the air!


Sup Taters? It’s me again with another update. Since I last wrote something to you guys I’ve had my next chemo. Yes the hair is gone. No…I cannot talk about that. I fucking look like Yoda. Enough said.

The shot from the day after chemo, Neulasta, was one mean bitch. I’ve been hobbling around all this week like an old dog with bad hips and arthritis. But…that bitch of a shot did its job! Its purpose was to help my bone marrow produce the white blood cells that I need to fight the disease. I was back to the hospital Monday and my blood work came back all good! That means that for the very first time since treatment started — my white blood cells are holding their own! No transfusion needed this time! I still have a long road ahead but this is a very encouraging sign.

On a crappier note — now my goddam eyelashes are falling out. You know how annoying it is when an eyelash falls out and you need to dig it out of your eye? Now imagine that 10 or more times a day. What a freakin pain in my ass. Of course you know the hair on my legs continues to need to be shaved. Some shit just ain’t fair at all.

Have a good weekend my Taters. I have no Dr. appointments till next week, so I plan to as well.


PS: If anybody wants to buy me a beer…I’m allowed to have one or two again now 😉

For previous “Fight for ALF” updates, click here.

Before we get to this week’s update from Laura “Angrylittlefeet” Nicholson, I just wanted to point out that our Fight for ALF!” fund-raising drive ends on July 28th, and we’re currently waaaay short of our goal. Not to sound like a public radio DJ, but if you were thinking about donating, please don’t wait any longer — do it today! Remember, a $50 donation gets you a CagePotato t-shirt. (All shirts will be shipped to their donors early next month.) So without further ado…the ALF Telethon is on the air!


Sup Taters? It’s me again with another update. Since I last wrote something to you guys I’ve had my next chemo. Yes the hair is gone. No…I cannot talk about that. I fucking look like Yoda. Enough said.

The shot from the day after chemo, Neulasta, was one mean bitch. I’ve been hobbling around all this week like an old dog with bad hips and arthritis. But…that bitch of a shot did its job! Its purpose was to help my bone marrow produce the white blood cells that I need to fight the disease. I was back to the hospital Monday and my blood work came back all good! That means that for the very first time since treatment started — my white blood cells are holding their own! No transfusion needed this time! I still have a long road ahead but this is a very encouraging sign.

On a crappier note — now my goddam eyelashes are falling out. You know how annoying it is when an eyelash falls out and you need to dig it out of your eye? Now imagine that 10 or more times a day. What a freakin pain in my ass. Of course you know the hair on my legs continues to need to be shaved. Some shit just ain’t fair at all.

Have a good weekend my Taters. I have no Dr. appointments till next week, so I plan to as well.


PS: If anybody wants to buy me a beer…I’m allowed to have one or two again now ;)

For previous “Fight for ALF” updates, click here.