Francis Carmont: The Time is Right

The blessing or the curse of mixed martial arts – depending on which side of the win-loss equation you’re standing on – is that there are no shortcuts. Unless you are fortunate enough to leave the Octagon with a 30 second knockout or submission, what you did in training will show up on fight night. And when it does, all the talent in the world won’t save you if you didn’t train for a 15 or 25 minute fight.Francis Carmont found that out the hard way back when he was alternately dazzling and disappointing people with erratic performances that displayed flashes of brilliance as well as a fighter … Read the Full Article Here

The blessing or the curse of mixed martial arts – depending on which side of the win-loss equation you’re standing on – is that there are no shortcuts. Unless you are fortunate enough to leave the Octagon with a 30 second knockout or submission, what you did in training will show up on fight night. And when it does, all the talent in the world won’t save you if you didn’t train for a 15 or 25 minute fight.Francis Carmont found that out the hard way back when he was alternately dazzling and disappointing people with erratic performances that displayed flashes of brilliance as well as a fighter … Read the Full Article Here