Golden Glory boss says UFC retains matching rights with Overeem, hopeful for resolution

Golden Glory manager Bas Boon is still a little confused as to why his
team’s relationship with Zuffa imploded so quickly.

The manager would nonetheless like to salvage the relationship by
returning to the negotiating table to get now-former Strikefor…

Golden Glory manager Bas Boon is still a little confused as to why his
team’s relationship with Zuffa imploded so quickly.

The manager would nonetheless like to salvage the relationship by
returning to the negotiating table to get now-former Strikeforce
heavyweight champion Alistair Overeem a deal in the UFC – following
their rules.

“What I want to accomplish is that we all sit at the table, find a deal,
and that Alistair will fight the top three in the UFC,” the manager
today told “I’m not going to ask for crazy things.”