John Cholish: The World’s Most Dangerous Hobbyist?

A hobby is defined as an activity or interest pursued for pleasure or relaxation and not as a main occupation. Obvious, ageless examples can include stamp collecting and woodcarving. Another possible, more contemporary, leisurely avocation is professional cagefighting. At least it is for UFC lightweight John Cholish.“For me, it’s still a hobby,” says Cholish. “I’m a commodities broker during the day and that’s what pays the bills. I take fighting very seriously. I train as much as I can and I train smart. But if I lose that fight, it doesn’t really change my day because I’m getting paid from m … Read the Full Article Here

A hobby is defined as an activity or interest pursued for pleasure or relaxation and not as a main occupation. Obvious, ageless examples can include stamp collecting and woodcarving. Another possible, more contemporary, leisurely avocation is professional cagefighting. At least it is for UFC lightweight John Cholish.“For me, it’s still a hobby,” says Cholish. “I’m a commodities broker during the day and that’s what pays the bills. I take fighting very seriously. I train as much as I can and I train smart. But if I lose that fight, it doesn’t really change my day because I’m getting paid from m … Read the Full Article Here