Join Hendricks, Swanson, Guymon, Magalhaes and Karakhanyan in our MMA forums

Have you been to the MMA Forums lately?

If not, you’re missing out. In conjunction with Radio, many pro fighters are answering questions and interacting with fans. The list includes Johny Hendricks, Cub Swanson, Mike “Joker” Guymon, Vinny Magalhaes, Georgie Karakhanyan and others.

Simply go to (your login/password for the comments section also works in the forums). All pro fighters are listed in green text.

Have you been to the MMA Forums lately?

If not, you’re missing out. In conjunction with Radio, many pro fighters are answering questions and interacting with fans. The list includes Johny Hendricks, Cub Swanson, Mike “Joker” Guymon, Vinny Magalhaes, Georgie Karakhanyan and others.

Simply go to (your login/password for the comments section also works in the forums). All pro fighters are listed in green text.