KNUCKLE UP #295: UFC FN 96 + All the Bullsh*t in the World Coagulating Around Crap No One Wants to See

Literary gunslinger Eugene S. Robinson lends his “one”-of-a-“kind” “perspective” to UFC FN 96 and the rage burbling in his gut over … well they can’t all be great ones … but his sneaking sense that the bad ones need not be this bad. Starting wi…

Literary gunslinger Eugene S. Robinson lends his “one”-of-a-“kind” “perspective” to UFC FN 96 and the rage burbling in his gut over … well they can’t all be great ones … but his sneaking sense that the bad ones need not be this bad. Starting with dumbasses who can’t make weight and continuing on through fighters who don’t fight, but want to be taken seriously as fighters, DODSON. A blitzkrieg of a show for folks what ain’t got loads of patience for nonsense.