Luke Rockhold calls Michael Bisping a douche, predicts Belfort vs. Weidman will fall through

If Michael Bisping had rabbit ears, they’d have been burning on Friday afternoon.

Just before weigh-ins, Cung Le, who is facing Bisping in the main event on Aug. 23 in Macau, and Luke Rockhold who has had no love for Bisping since Rockhold has been one of Bisping’s favorite verbal targets of late, were talking to UFC Fight Club members and questions and answers usually ended up the same way.

“I can’t wait to kick Michael Bisping’s face in Aug. 23 in Macau,” said Le.

“He’s just like Frank Shamrock, who went on YouTube, and talked a little trash,” said Le.  “When he’s talking, I’m training. I’m ready and I’m in shape,”

Le repeated that line a few times, and then noted at one point that he thinks Bisping is talking, quickly dropped to his knees and did ten pushups. 

“The flying tornado, the spinning wheel kicks and lightning followed by thunder,” was the 42-year-old Le’s description of how the fight would go.

When asked if Bisping’s talk got under his skin, and if he had something to say back, Le responded that he didn’t want to respond with a funny line.

“Michael Bisping is known for it,” he said. “It doesn’t bother me at all. I’m really thick-skinned. I don’t have a good line, but I have a lot of combinations on August 23rd for his face.”

Rockhold said if he was to face Bisping, a fight he’s asked for many times, he’d take a different approach.

“If it was me, I’d circle to his bad eye so he can’t see me.”

Rockhold, when asked by a fan about Bisping and Chael Sonnen, he said they were completely different.

“I think Bisping’s just a douche,” he said.  “Chael is putting on an act. He talks trash, but he’s the most respectful guy every time I’ve met him.  Chael plays a role. Bisping plays himself.”

Rockhold indicated that he doesn’t think he is going to face Bisping, feeling that Le will finish Bisping, and at that point, it would be a step backwards in direction.

Le looked more muscular than he has in years, and he’s still nearly a month away week from the fight.  While there had been talk that, given his age and his acting career, that this could be his last fight, he hinted at nothing of the sort. He said it would be an honor if he got to fight Anderson Silva. When asked if he’d be interested in fighting Wanderlei Silva, who beat Le almost three years ago in his home arena in San Jose, he responded loudly, “Hell yeah.”

Rockhold, who noted Wanderlei Silva’s name had been tossed his way at one point, said he didn’t think that would be happening, without specifically noting Silva’s expected punishment in Nevada for not taking a commission-ordered drug test in May.

At one point, Le lifted up his shirt to show ripped abs to go with his bodybuilder biceps.  He attributed the difference in musculature at an advanced age to a longer training camp and his surgery last year on both elbows.

“I should have done my surgery on my elbows a long time ago,” Le said. “I’ve been training and working around my elbow. After surgery I took a year off. I rehabbed it and worked on my strength and conditioning the last few months.

When asked if Bisping would try and negate Le’s flashy kicks by turning it into a wrestling match, Rockhold jumped in and said, given Le’s background, “There’s no hope for that. I have all the faith in Cung.”

“If he shoots on me, I’m a high school and collegiate All-American,” said Le, who was a star in wrestling on the junior college level before making a name for himself as the best San Shou practitioner in the U.S.  “I’ve got a little something for Michael Bisping.

Le also said there would be an interested spectator at that fight, actor Channing Tatum. Tatum, who Le has known for at least five years dating back to working on movies together, stars in the heavily praised film, “Foxcatcher,” about the murder of 1984 Olympic wrestling gold medalist David Schultz by U.S. national wrestling team backer John DuPont, of the DuPont fortune. Tatum played the role of Mark Schultz, David’s younger brother, who also won a gold medal in the 1984 Olympics, and later fought once in UFC.

He said Tatum got completely into the role as a wrestler, going through serious wrestling practices.

“I thought, `What are you doing? All you have to do is look like a wrestler and shoot like a wrestler.”‘

He said that two trained wrestling for two hours and said Tatum picked things up quickly, and also said he had seen the movie with Tatum and praised it heavily.

“He’ll be in Macau cheering me on.”

Rockhold said that he didn’t have a fight scheduled, but openly predicted that the just-announced Chris Weidman vs. Vitor Belfort fight wouldn’t happen, and that he’s ready for the title shot if or when Belfort pulls out, saying he was skeptical Belfort would train clean and pass his tests.

“I’m glad they took out TRT,” he said. “I thought it was a way for people to mask and cover up their steroid use. People were abusing that. I’m a fan of them outlawing it and I’m a fan of all the extra drug testing. I’m a fan of a clean sport. My guess is that something happens (to Belfort) along the way (before the title fight). I’ll be ready to go for December if need be.”

When a fan asked him what Belfort’s feet smelled like, since Belfort knocked out Rockhold with a high kick last year, Rockhold responded, “They smelled like TRT.”

He also said he’d like to face the winner of the Ronaldo “Jacare” Souza vs. Gegard Mousasi fight on Sept. 5, if Belfort doesn’t run into any issues before the title match.

“Whatever opens up, I want a good fight,” he said. “I believe I’m in a good position. I’ve beaten Jacare and beaten Tim Kennedy. Maybe the winner of Tim Kennedy and Yoel Romero (Sept. 27 in Las Vegas). I want a big fight.”

If Michael Bisping had rabbit ears, they’d have been burning on Friday afternoon.

Just before weigh-ins, Cung Le, who is facing Bisping in the main event on Aug. 23 in Macau, and Luke Rockhold who has had no love for Bisping since Rockhold has been one of Bisping’s favorite verbal targets of late, were talking to UFC Fight Club members and questions and answers usually ended up the same way.

“I can’t wait to kick Michael Bisping’s face in Aug. 23 in Macau,” said Le.

“He’s just like Frank Shamrock, who went on YouTube, and talked a little trash,” said Le.  “When he’s talking, I’m training. I’m ready and I’m in shape,”

Le repeated that line a few times, and then noted at one point that he thinks Bisping is talking, quickly dropped to his knees and did ten pushups. 

“The flying tornado, the spinning wheel kicks and lightning followed by thunder,” was the 42-year-old Le’s description of how the fight would go.

When asked if Bisping’s talk got under his skin, and if he had something to say back, Le responded that he didn’t want to respond with a funny line.

“Michael Bisping is known for it,” he said. “It doesn’t bother me at all. I’m really thick-skinned. I don’t have a good line, but I have a lot of combinations on August 23rd for his face.”

Rockhold said if he was to face Bisping, a fight he’s asked for many times, he’d take a different approach.

“If it was me, I’d circle to his bad eye so he can’t see me.”

Rockhold, when asked by a fan about Bisping and Chael Sonnen, he said they were completely different.

“I think Bisping’s just a douche,” he said.  “Chael is putting on an act. He talks trash, but he’s the most respectful guy every time I’ve met him.  Chael plays a role. Bisping plays himself.”

Rockhold indicated that he doesn’t think he is going to face Bisping, feeling that Le will finish Bisping, and at that point, it would be a step backwards in direction.

Le looked more muscular than he has in years, and he’s still nearly a month away week from the fight.  While there had been talk that, given his age and his acting career, that this could be his last fight, he hinted at nothing of the sort. He said it would be an honor if he got to fight Anderson Silva. When asked if he’d be interested in fighting Wanderlei Silva, who beat Le almost three years ago in his home arena in San Jose, he responded loudly, “Hell yeah.”

Rockhold, who noted Wanderlei Silva’s name had been tossed his way at one point, said he didn’t think that would be happening, without specifically noting Silva’s expected punishment in Nevada for not taking a commission-ordered drug test in May.

At one point, Le lifted up his shirt to show ripped abs to go with his bodybuilder biceps.  He attributed the difference in musculature at an advanced age to a longer training camp and his surgery last year on both elbows.

“I should have done my surgery on my elbows a long time ago,” Le said. “I’ve been training and working around my elbow. After surgery I took a year off. I rehabbed it and worked on my strength and conditioning the last few months.

When asked if Bisping would try and negate Le’s flashy kicks by turning it into a wrestling match, Rockhold jumped in and said, given Le’s background, “There’s no hope for that. I have all the faith in Cung.”

“If he shoots on me, I’m a high school and collegiate All-American,” said Le, who was a star in wrestling on the junior college level before making a name for himself as the best San Shou practitioner in the U.S.  “I’ve got a little something for Michael Bisping.

Le also said there would be an interested spectator at that fight, actor Channing Tatum. Tatum, who Le has known for at least five years dating back to working on movies together, stars in the heavily praised film, “Foxcatcher,” about the murder of 1984 Olympic wrestling gold medalist David Schultz by U.S. national wrestling team backer John DuPont, of the DuPont fortune. Tatum played the role of Mark Schultz, David’s younger brother, who also won a gold medal in the 1984 Olympics, and later fought once in UFC.

He said Tatum got completely into the role as a wrestler, going through serious wrestling practices.

“I thought, `What are you doing? All you have to do is look like a wrestler and shoot like a wrestler.”‘

He said that two trained wrestling for two hours and said Tatum picked things up quickly, and also said he had seen the movie with Tatum and praised it heavily.

“He’ll be in Macau cheering me on.”

Rockhold said that he didn’t have a fight scheduled, but openly predicted that the just-announced Chris Weidman vs. Vitor Belfort fight wouldn’t happen, and that he’s ready for the title shot if or when Belfort pulls out, saying he was skeptical Belfort would train clean and pass his tests.

“I’m glad they took out TRT,” he said. “I thought it was a way for people to mask and cover up their steroid use. People were abusing that. I’m a fan of them outlawing it and I’m a fan of all the extra drug testing. I’m a fan of a clean sport. My guess is that something happens (to Belfort) along the way (before the title fight). I’ll be ready to go for December if need be.”

When a fan asked him what Belfort’s feet smelled like, since Belfort knocked out Rockhold with a high kick last year, Rockhold responded, “They smelled like TRT.”

He also said he’d like to face the winner of the Ronaldo “Jacare” Souza vs. Gegard Mousasi fight on Sept. 5, if Belfort doesn’t run into any issues before the title match.

“Whatever opens up, I want a good fight,” he said. “I believe I’m in a good position. I’ve beaten Jacare and beaten Tim Kennedy. Maybe the winner of Tim Kennedy and Yoel Romero (Sept. 27 in Las Vegas). I want a big fight.”