"MMA Fight Pit: Genesis" weigh-in results: Junie Browning badly misses weight

All 20 fighters competing in tonight’s “MMA Fight Pit: Genesis” pay-per-view event have weighed in for the show.

Headliners Houston Alexander and Razak Al-Hassan, as well as co-headliners Jens Pulver and Coty “Ox” Wheeler, successfully made weight.


All 20 fighters competing in tonight’s “MMA Fight Pit: Genesis” pay-per-view event have weighed in for the show.

Headliners Houston Alexander and Razak Al-Hassan, as well as co-headliners Jens Pulver and Coty “Ox” Wheeler, successfully made weight.

Main-card fighter Junie Browning didn’t, though. And it wasn’t even close.