MMA SQUARED: Gambling to make up for low pay might be UFC’s downfall

MMA Squared, Chris Rini | Chris Rini

The fights are on Saturday, but the lessons are from Friday.

Chris Rini

I updated my YouTube channel yesterday with some suplex drawings, chatting about how to e…

MMA Squared, Chris Rini, Draft Kings, UFC, UFC 281, gambling, wager
MMA Squared, Chris Rini | Chris Rini

The fights are on Saturday, but the lessons are from Friday.

MMA Squared, Chris Rini, Draft Kings, UFC, UFC 281, gambling, wager
Chris Rini

I updated my YouTube channel yesterday with some suplex drawings, chatting about how to exit gracefully from a business opportunity, and the beginning of my theory on how to choose the right partner. I hope you will check it out and support my art endeavours, MMA book publishing, and the new large scale paintings, but simply clicking on MMA Squared is already helping and I appreciate your time. Take care of yourself and I’ll talk to you Monday. Enjoy the fights!
