Non-MMA Video of the Day: Massive Fist Fight Breaks Out at Ukraine Parliament

(“Gentlemen, you can’t fight in here! This is the war room!”)

I won’t pretend to be an expert on the Ukraine situation, and I cite that I just referred to an ever-developing international crisis and seemingly inevitable civil war as “The Ukraine situation” as proof of that. I do know, however, that it is never a good sign when you country’s average Parliamentary session for peace ends in the same fashion as a Polish Team-MMA Fight. But that’s just what happened in Kiev, Ukraine earlier today, as communist and nationalist parties clashed over accusations that the latter had resorted to extremist tactics in their seizing of several buildings in Eastern Ukraine earlier this week.

It all started when communist Petro Symonenko (the man at the rostrum) took aim at the nationals, stating, “You are today doing everything to intimidate people. You arrest people, start fighting people who have a different point of view.” It was a harsh accusation to say the least, so clearly, the best move the nationalist Svoboda deputies could make to shed this notion would be to violently pull Symonenko away from the podium and kick and punch him repeatedly. And that’s what they did.

As if the situation wasn’t ironic enough already, you should probably know that the man hurling accusations of extremist tactics at the nationalists (Symonenko) just so happens to be a member of the very same party who supported ousted President Viktor Yanukovich after more than 100 protesters were shot dead by police snipers in Kiev less than two months ago.

So yeah, this Jerry Springer-esque madness just went down at the Ukraine Parliament, and it isn’t even the first time it’s happened. To that point: I’m not saying I’d respect Obama more if I knew he was packing a solid right hook, but yes I would respect him more.

J. Jones

(“Gentlemen, you can’t fight in here! This is the war room!”)

I won’t pretend to be an expert on the Ukraine situation, and I cite that I just referred to an ever-developing international crisis and seemingly inevitable civil war as “The Ukraine situation” as proof of that. I do know, however, that it is never a good sign when you country’s average Parliamentary session for peace ends in the same fashion as a Polish Team-MMA Fight. But that’s just what happened in Kiev, Ukraine earlier today, as communist and nationalist parties clashed over accusations that the latter had resorted to extremist tactics in their seizing of several buildings in Eastern Ukraine earlier this week.

It all started when communist Petro Symonenko (the man at the rostrum) took aim at the nationals, stating, “You are today doing everything to intimidate people. You arrest people, start fighting people who have a different point of view.” It was a harsh accusation to say the least, so clearly, the best move the nationalist Svoboda deputies could make to shed this notion would be to violently pull Symonenko away from the podium and kick and punch him repeatedly. And that’s what they did.

As if the situation wasn’t ironic enough already, you should probably know that the man hurling accusations of extremist tactics at the nationalists (Symonenko) just so happens to be a member of the very same party who supported ousted President Viktor Yanukovich after more than 100 protesters were shot dead by police snipers in Kiev less than two months ago.

So yeah, this Jerry Springer-esque madness just went down at the Ukraine Parliament, and it isn’t even the first time it’s happened. To that point: I’m not saying I’d respect Obama more if I knew he was packing a solid right hook, but yes I would respect him more.

J. Jones