Outside the Octagon: The UFC’s Evolution

I can’t believe I’ve been lying all along.It was unintentional, but for years, when people asked me how I felt about the growth of the UFC since I started here in 2005, I always say (cue old man voice) that back when in my day, we only did eight shows a year.Thanks to the internet, I just found out it was ten shows in 2005, but you get the point, and that point is that on a week when the promotion will be putting on its 17th and 18th shows of 2014, and on the same day no less, the world of the UFC is quite different than it was on the night of Nov. 5, 2005.> Check out Fight Night Berlin Mai … Read the Full Article Here

I can’t believe I’ve been lying all along.It was unintentional, but for years, when people asked me how I felt about the growth of the UFC since I started here in 2005, I always say (cue old man voice) that back when in my day, we only did eight shows a year.Thanks to the internet, I just found out it was ten shows in 2005, but you get the point, and that point is that on a week when the promotion will be putting on its 17th and 18th shows of 2014, and on the same day no less, the world of the UFC is quite different than it was on the night of Nov. 5, 2005.> Check out Fight Night Berlin Mai … Read the Full Article Here