Photo of the Day: Matt Hughes Basically Tells PETA to Go F*ck Themselves

Well, at least he attained the proper tags. None other than former UFC welterweight champion and avid hunting afficionado Matt Hughes tweeted this picture early today, which was taken on a recent hunting trip he made to the Midwest. After more than a few of his followers had something to say about it, Matt responded with the following tweet:

Well, at least he attained the proper tags. None other than former UFC welterweight champion and avid hunting afficionado Matt Hughes tweeted this picture early today, which was taken on a recent hunting trip he made to the Midwest. After more than a few of his followers had something to say about it, Matt responded with the following tweet:

Now, I know many of you are probably up in arms over the fact that Hughes would kill such a cute, defenseless animal; one he won’t likely be eating to boot. But allow me to lay some knowledge on you real quick. Bobcats, like the one in the above photo, are nasty, viscous, opportunistic little assholes. They are kind of like the Joe Son’s of the animal world, if you will, so before you start spouting off about what an “ignorant redneck” Matt Hughes is, just take a moment and watch this video, in which a rabid Bobcat attacks people in a bar. Think that would suck? Check out this story about a 62 year old Vietnam vet who had to strangle one to death to stop it from attacking him. In both cases, the Bobcats had rabies. So suck on that, PETArds *snicker* of the world.

Coming off back-to-back losses knockout losses to B.J. Penn and Josh Koscheck, perhaps we will be seeing Hughes on one of those MSNBC hunting shows before we see him in the octagon. Then again, if Dan Hardy has his way, Hughes may be called off the range sooner than later. Speaking of the Brits, have any of you ever seen a British hunting show? I just stumbled across one, and as is the case with most British television, it’s kooky as shit. Check it out.

(Clip taken from the show Constable Murray of the Forest Nether-regions.)
