Road to UFC 200: Iconic referee John McCarthy

John McCarthy is perhaps the most iconic referee in all of combat sports, but after officiating his first UFC event in March of 1994, he had already had enough.“I told Rorion (Gracie, one of the UFC’s founding fathers) I’m done,” McCarthy told me in 2013. “I will never do that again.”An LAPD officer, McCarthy was in love with combat sports seemingly from the time he was in diapers. And after training in boxing, wrestling, and jiu-jitsu (which he studied under Rorion Gracie), the idea of seeing all the disciplines mixed together was something he couldn&rsqu … Read the Full Article Here

John McCarthy is perhaps the most iconic referee in all of combat sports, but after officiating his first UFC event in March of 1994, he had already had enough.“I told Rorion (Gracie, one of the UFC’s founding fathers) I’m done,” McCarthy told me in 2013. “I will never do that again.”An LAPD officer, McCarthy was in love with combat sports seemingly from the time he was in diapers. And after training in boxing, wrestling, and jiu-jitsu (which he studied under Rorion Gracie), the idea of seeing all the disciplines mixed together was something he couldn&rsqu … Read the Full Article Here