Screw It, Today Is the Day We Pass 20,000 Fans on Facebook [UPDATED]

( Ruining the sport since 2007.)

UPDATE: And it is aaaaaaaall over! Thanks so much to all our fans. Here’s to 20,000 more!

On July 22nd, 2011 — exactly two years ago today — passed 10,000 fans. Sure, we were forced to do some begging in order to make it happen, but the point is, it happened, and it was a proud day for our site.

At the time of this writing, CagePotato’s Facebook page has 19,968 fans, just 32 bodies away from the 20k milestone.

So, here’s what we need: If you’re not already a fan of CP on Facebook, please head over there and “like” our page. We promise to not spam your timeline incessently. About 3-4 times per day, we post links to our best content, along with additional photos and videos that you won’t find on the site — or anywhere else, in some cases. It’ll take five seconds of your time, and it’s totally worth it. We can do this. I know we can.

And just to sweeten the deal: If we pass 20,000 fans today, three of our new followers will be randomly selected to receive CagePotato t-shirts. Sound good? Now let’s get it!

( Ruining the sport since 2007.)

UPDATE: And it is aaaaaaaall over! Thanks so much to all our fans. Here’s to 20,000 more!

On July 22nd, 2011 — exactly two years ago today — passed 10,000 fans. Sure, we were forced to do some begging in order to make it happen, but the point is, it happened, and it was a proud day for our site.

At the time of this writing, CagePotato’s Facebook page has 19,968 fans, just 32 bodies away from the 20k milestone.

So, here’s what we need: If you’re not already a fan of CP on Facebook, please head over there and “like” our page. We promise to not spam your timeline incessently. About 3-4 times per day, we post links to our best content, along with additional photos and videos that you won’t find on the site — or anywhere else, in some cases. It’ll take five seconds of your time, and it’s totally worth it. We can do this. I know we can.

And just to sweeten the deal: If we pass 20,000 fans today, three of our new followers will be randomly selected to receive CagePotato t-shirts. Sound good? Now let’s get it!