Traffic stop audio: Jon Jones ‘didn’t realize’ he couldn’t use passport as driver’s license

Former UFC champion Jon Jones got pulled over for speeding recently. And while it didn’t result in a ticket, that’s likely only because he was dealing with the world’s nicest cop. I don’t know who the officer that pulled Jon Jones over for d…

Former UFC champion Jon Jones got pulled over for speeding recently. And while it didn’t result in a ticket, that’s likely only because he was dealing with the world’s nicest cop.

I don’t know who the officer that pulled Jon Jones over for doing 75 in a 35 back on January 31st is, but he might just be the nicest cop in existence. Recently obtained audio of the traffic stop, via TMZ, details the exchange between the officer and Jones.

As it turns out, Jones wasn’t just speeding, he was also driving without his registration, insurance, or a drivers license. And what’s more, he seemed totally unaware that any of those things might potentially be illegal (or that he had been going more than double the speed limit). What follows is the complete exchange between the police officer and Jon Jones. It’s amazing to think he got out of this without a massive fine.

Cop: Reason I stopped you, okay, is you’re going 75 down Alameda in a 35, okay?

Jones: Was I?

Cop: Yeah, I got you on radar, okay. There’s no need to be going that fast, man.

Jones: I didn’t realize I was.

Cop: Okay, you got your license or insurance?

Jones: I don’t, I don’t have my license.

Cop: Where you headed?

Jones: I’m headed to Jackson’s MMA, to practice at 8:30.

Cop: I need the registration for the license plate.

Jones: Is this it?

Cop: Nope. Do you have the insurance card?

Cop: So, you don’t have anything then? You don’t have a license with you, no registration, no insurance?

Jones: I just threw on some sweatpants and [unintelligable]

Cop: Is the vehicle in your name?

Jones: No, it’s in my fiance’s name.

Cop: So where’s the insurance, man?

Jones: I don’t know.

Cop: You don’t know?

Jones: No, I don’t know.

Cop: So why are you driving with no insurance, dude?

Jones: Is that illegal?

Cop: [snorts] You know it’s illegal, man.

Jones: No, I don’t. Is it?

Cop: YES. Everybody has to have insurance.

Jones: Yeah, the car’s insured.

Cop: But you got to have proof of insurance. Just because you’re telling me that it’s legit doesn’t mean that it’s legit.

Jones: Yeah, I understand that.

Cop: I’ve got to see some proof.

Jones: I understand.

Cop: You don’t have your license with you either, so why are you driving with no license. You know that you have to have a license to drive, right?

Jones: Yeah, I have a valid license.

Cop: But you have to have it with you.

Jones: Yeah. I lost my license a while ago, so I usually carry my passport.

Cop: Be straight up, okay. You don’t have a license, right? To be driving.

Jones: No, I do.

Cop: Because you’re not coming back in the system as having a license.

Jones: I don’t know why that would be, because I’m from New York.

Cop: So, you don’t have a New Mexico license?

Jones: No, sir.

Cop: Okay, but you’ve got one out of New York?

Jones: Mmhmm.

Cop: Okay, you just don’t have it with you?

Jones: No, no I don’t. I lost my… So, I’m from New York and I haven’t gotten a… I’ve been living here, I moved here officially about a year and a half ago and I’ve been driving around carrying my passport.

Cop: Mmhmm.

Jones: I left my passport in my book bag at home, so that’s the only reason I’m not carrying it.

Cop: But you’ve got to have a driver’s license, not a passport, to drive, okay?

Jones: Okay, I didn’t realize that.

Cop: I mean, going 75 is pretty much reckless driving, dude.

Jones: Yeah, that’s what he’s telling me.

Cop: So, you’re getting a huge break dude. You know what I’m saying?

Jones: Yeah, I appreciate it.

Cop: You just need to get a license to drive if you’re going to drive, alright? And just drive normal, okay?

Jones: Yeah. Yeah absolutely.

Cop: I mean, yeah you got a cool car, but there’s no reason to go drive crazy and kill somebody or kill yourself. It ain’t worth it dude.

Jones: Absolutely.

Hopefully he gets someone to start driving him places. It’s hard to think of any justification for him being behind the wheel of a car given his history and his seeming ignorance of basic laws surrounding motor vehicle operation. Until then, if you live in New Mexico, you might drive just a little extra defensively.