UFC 134’s Brendan Schaub visits favela, donates gear to Muay Thai school

A trip two months ago to Brazilian favela (shanty town) Tijuquinha prompted Brendan Schaub to return tonight. This time, he and his team are bearing gifts.

Three duffel bags worth of gear – from Schaub sponsors RevGear, Ecko Unlimited and Bony Acai -…

A trip two months ago to Brazilian favela (shanty town) Tijuquinha prompted Brendan Schaub to return tonight. This time, he and his team are bearing gifts.

Three duffel bags worth of gear – from Schaub sponsors RevGear, Ecko Unlimited and Bony Acai – are going to Troupa Thai, a school that teaches in the impoverished mini-city within Rio de Janeiro.

“The kids were practicing jiu-jitsu on the cement,” Schaub manager Lex McMahon told MMAjunkie.com as the team prepared to leave for the favela. “They had no gear. The guys from Troupa Thai said they could use some help.”