UFC Vegas 2: Eye vs. Calvillo live results, discussion, play by play

Photo by Chris Unger/Zuffa LLC via Getty Images

Live, blow-by-blow updates for today’s UFC event in Las Vegas on ESPN and ESPN+, which features a women’s flyweight matchup in the main event. Join us today on Bloody Elbow for live results,…

UFC Fight Night Eye v Calvillo: Weigh-Ins

Photo by Chris Unger/Zuffa LLC via Getty Images

Live, blow-by-blow updates for today’s UFC event in Las Vegas on ESPN and ESPN+, which features a women’s flyweight matchup in the main event.

Join us today on Bloody Elbow for live results, discussion, round scoring, and full play-by-play (main card) as UFC Vegas 2: Eye vs. Calvillo goes down in UFC Apex Las Vegas, Nevada.

The headliner comes in the women’s flyweight division, as former title challenger Jessica Eye faces off with Cynthia Calvillo. The co-main will come at a catchweight, with Karl Roberson finally meeting Martin Vettori. The bout will take place at 190 pounds, because Roberson can’t make weight.

The five-fight preliminary card is scheduled to start at 6:30pm ET/3:30pm PT on the big network, and there will be a stream on ESPN+ as well. The five-fight main card will kick off at 9pm ET/6pm PT on the same network, along with ESPN+.

We are only providing play-by-play for the main card. The bout order is below:

Main Card (9 PM ET, ESPN/ESPN+)

  • Jessica Eye vs. Cynthia Calvillo


Eye stalks forward pumping her jab. Calvillo misses with jab to overhand right. Uppercut lands for Eye. Jab for Calvillo. Double jab to cross hits for Eye. Another jab for Eye. Calvillo lands a jab but eats a cross. Stiff jab finds a home for Calvillo. They exchange body kicks. Calvillo throws a jab-cross and then lands a head kick. Another jab for Calvillo. Eye pumps the jab but doesn’t connect. Right hand tags Calvillo. Both women are probing with their jabs. Calvillo goes back to head kick but Eye wears that one well too. They swap straights. Calvillo jabs to the body and Eye goes upstairs with the right hand. They flurry in the pocket with nothing really landing clean.

10-9 Calvillo?


Right hand misses for Eye. Left-right connects clean for Calvillo. And again. A straight finds a home for Calvillo. Eye returns a flurry and Calvillo signaled that she didn’t connect. Calvillo changes levels and hits a takedown into half guard. Big right hand scores for Calvillo. Eye stands up and Calvillo tries to take the back. She has one hook in. The other hook is in. Eye is trying to sneak out the back, but Calvillo flattens her out. Eye is tying up a wrist of Calvillo. Eye tries to roll out but Calvillo is controlling. Calvillo drops some strikes.

10-9 Calvillo


They pump their jabs staying out of range. The exchange crosses. Calvillo with the leg kick. Jab from eye. Inside leg kick from Eye. Calvillo misses with a jab. Cross hits for Calvillo and then a jab. S set of jabs score for Calvillo. A right hand connects from Eye. They swap one-two’s. Calvillo whiffs an elbow. Jab for Eye and a cross for Calvillo. Another jab for Calvillo. Eye cracks a right hand and then eats a jab. A jab-cross misses for Calvillo and Eye hits her with a hard cross. Calvillo blasts a takedown and works a guillotine from the top. She bails to take the back. Eye is locking up Calvillo’s arms. Calvillo frees herself and lands a few strikes before the bell.

10-9 Calvillo


Calvillo goes right to the takedown and gets it. She goes full ninja and takes the back. She’s dropping strikes as Eye is belly down. Calvillo is owning the ground. She starts to land more punches but Eye is moving. Eyes is up and looking to strike. Calvillo shoots in but Eye defends. A labored jab from Calvillo. Eye is stalking. Right hand misses from Eye. A double jab for Eye. Calvillo responds with a jab of her own. Both fighters are pumping their jabs. A jab-cross for Calvillo. Eye with a jab. Body cross to head hook for Calvillo.

10-9 Calvillo


They trade jabs back and forth. Eye throws a cross behind the jab. Calvillo with a jab-cross. Jab for Eye. Both fighters are leaning hard on their jabs. A stinging cross connects for Calvillo. Eye is sticking with the jab. Jab, jab, jab. Calvillo sneaks in a cross. More jabs from eye. Spinning backfist for Calvillo. Eye is pressing forward. She lands a right hand. Calvillo is backing up. Calvillo hits a takedown. She goes for a Peruvian necktie. Eye escapes and stands up. They trade jabs. Right hook from Eye.

10-9 Calvillo

Cynthia Calvillo def. Jessica Eye by unanimous decision (49-46 x2, 48-47): (W) Flyweight

  • Karl Roberson vs. Marvin Vettori


The fighters inch towards one another. A cross misses for Vettori. Roberson throws a one-two. A big cross lands for Vettori but Roberson wears it well. Vettori blocks a head kick. A flashy kick misses for Roberson and a scramble ensues. Roberson takes the back but the scramble is still going. Vettori rolls on top into half guard. He lands a few short punches. Vettori attacks the neck with a guillotine, but Roberson scrambles out and up to his feet. Vettori attacks the choke again. Roberson uses the cage to press off of to relive the pressure. He lands on top. Vettori reverses and starts bombing away. Roberson is just covering up. The referee warns him to move. Vettori takes the back and attacks with an RNC. Roberson taps!!!!

Marvin Vettori def. Karl Roberson by submission (RNC) at 4:17 of round 1

  • Charles Rosa vs. Kevin Aguilar


They meet in the middle and a jab knocks Rosa off balance. he stands up and lands a leg kick. Rosa misses an overhand right. He kicks to the calf. Aguilar responds with a right hand. A body punch scores for Aguilar. Inside leg kick for Rosa and another cross to the body for Aguilar. Uppercut misses but cross lands for Aguilar. Rosa misses with a body kick but lands another calf kick. Aguilar goes back to the well with the body cross. Spinning back kick to the face lands for Rosa. Aguilar gives it a nod. A jab lands for Aguilar and then a big overhand right. Left hook lands for Rosa but eats an even harder right hand in return. Overhand left lands then takedown attempt for Rosa. Aguilar hammerfists his way out to stay on his feet.

10-9 Aguilar


A huge body kick lands for Rosa. Now he goes to the leg, and again. Aguilar flurries. Rosa misses a spinning kick and Aguilar catches him out of position. Rosa attempts a haymaker left hand but it’s blocked. Aguilar gets a head kick blocked. Aguilar throws the jab out there and then blocks a head kick. Aguilar launches a kick to the body and then goes upstairs. Rosa lands to the face with a kick. Then a cross hits. Aguilar with the leg kick. He lands a one-two. A big body shot hits for Rosa and then left hand. Another set of left hands land for Rosa.

10-9 Rosa


They meet in the middle and exchange a flurry. Rosa is switching stances. He lands a left and Aguilar responds with a three-piece. Jab for Aguilar. Left hand for Rosa. Lead and rear uppercut for Aguilar. Rosa is bleeding from the forehead. The broadcast suggested it was from a head butt. Jab for Aguilar. Rosa misses a cross and eats a one-two. Body kick connects for Aguilar. Stiff cross snaps the head back of Aguilar. back to the body with a kick Rosa. Double jab for Aguilar followed by an uppercut to the body. Another body kick for Rosa. Stinging cross scores for Rosa. Aguilar wings a right hook. Another left for Rosa who is sniping at this point. Aguilar shoots for a takedown but Rosa isn’t having it. He misses with a winging right. Aguilar botches a takedown and eats an overhand right. Another stinging left for Rosa.

10-9 Rosa

Charles Rosa def. Kevin Aguilar by split decision (29-28 x2, 28-29): Lightweight

  • Andre Fili vs. Charles Jourdain


Fili stalks forward. Jourdain throws a body kick then a two piece. Fili throws a right hand. they exchange left hands. A cracking body kick connects to the midsection of Fili. Jourdain throws a teep and then blocks a head kick. Jourdain explodes with a cross and eats one in return. They exchange head kicks. Jab for Fili. Jourdain whiffs on a big right hook. He misses with a right haymaker. Another kick to the body scores for Jourdain. He throws a set of kicks that land on Fili’s arm. Fili barely misses with a head kick. A knee to the head connects for Fili but Jourdain wears it well. A BIG LEFT HOOK DROPS FILI!!! Jourdain looks to pounce but allows Fili to stand. Fili gets a head kick blocked. A teep lands for Jourdain. Fili throws a flurry and finishes with a head kick. Fili hits a body lock takedown. He lands a few punches before the bell.

10-9 Jourdain


Fili opens with a flurry ended with a head kick. Jourdain teeps the body as Fili jabs. Jourdain rips a leg kick. Fili again finishes his punching combo with a head kick. Jourdain kicks the leg and then blocks another head kick. Another leg kick lands for Jourdain. Fili misses with an elbow. Fili kicks the leg but eats a spinning backfist. Fili slips a cross and lands one of his own, almost to the back of the head. A one-two misses for Jourdain. Fili blocks a head kick. Fili scores with a jab. Jab-cross for Fili. Another right hand for Fili. Stiff cross connects for Jourdain and an uppercut misses for Fili. Jourdain goes back to the leg and Fili back upstairs with a kick. Another head kick misses for Fili. Jourdain lands with a lead kick and then a leg kick. Fili hits a takedown but let’s Jourdain back up.

10-9 Jourdain


Jourdain kicks the body as Fili presses forward. A cross to head kick scores for Fili. They exchange leg kicks. Right hand for Fili. Jab to spinning backfist misses for Jourdain. Fili eats a cross. Jourdain blocks back to back head kicks. Jourdain misses with a flying knee. Fili blasts a takedown with three-minutes on the clock. Jourdain is on his knees. He’s up but Fili takes him right back down. Jourdain stands back up and eats a body kick. Left hand lands for Fili, and another. Right hook for Jourdain. Left hand for Fili and then a head kick registers. Fili misses with another head kick. Jab connects for Jourdain and then a leg kick. Jourdain swings widely and Fili shoots in. Jourdain stays vertical and separates. Fili goes back to the takedown and gets it. Jourdain is rolling to his stomach. Fili starts too punch. Time expires.

10-9 Fili

Andre Fili def. Charles Jourdain by split decision (29-28 x2, 28-29): Featherweight

  • Jordan Espinosa vs. Mark De La Rosa


They exchange outside leg kicks. Espinosa lands another one and a jab. Right hand connects for Espinosa. Another leg kick scores. Espinosa looks loose. He sticks in and out with the jab, and again. The fighters are feinting back and forth. Espinosa kicks to the body and then to the head. DLR closes the distance with a bodylock. He shoves Espinosa against the cage. Espinosa punches the head with short shots. DLR is working for a single leg but is having trouble. Espinosa is still throwing volume with annoying punches. DLR is still grabbing for the single leg. Espinosa is now dropping Travis Browne elbows that seem to be doing much more damage. He creates space and lands a really hard elbow. DLR is just grabbing the leg.

10-9 Espinosa


Espinosa opens the round with a leg kick. Right cross scores for Espinosa. A jab misses for DLR. Another leg kick hits for Espinosa. DLR is pressuring forward. A popping jab scores for Espinosa. A jab misses but leg kick connects for Espinosa. DLR lands a combo finishing to the body. He explodes forward again with a punching combination and clinches up. He’s got Espinosa’s back to the fence. Espinosa explodes into open space. A cross connects for Espinosa before a brief clinch up. Another jab hits for Espinosa. They both are standing in the pocket winging punches. Both men connected. DLR is pressing forward. A right hand for DLR. A cross then jab lands for Espinosa. Inside leg kick connects and then another cross for Espinosa.

10-9 Espinosa


Espinosa jabs to leg kick to open the round. Espinosa crashes the pocket with a knee and clinches up. They break apart and DLR blasts a flurry. Espinosa is backing up to the fence and DLR is in pursuit. Another flurry lands for DLR before clinching up. Espinosa hits a takedown. Big hammer fists are being dropped by Espinosa. DLR rolls to his knees and Espinosa quickly attacks a D’arce. He disengages and stands up. DLR stalks forward and swings but Espinosa changes levels and gets the takedown. DLR stands back up but eats two uppercuts on the way. DLR misses with a body kick but lands to the leg. A massive uppercut misses for DLR. They exchange jabs. Body kick cracks for Espinosa and then a cross. Espinosa is staying on the outside causing DLR to miss with his punches. Espinosa misses a one-two. Espinosa clinches up. DLR swings with a right hand on the break.

10-9 Espinosa

Jordan Espinosa def. Mark De La Rosa by unanimous decision (30-27 x2, 30-26):

  • BantamweightMariya Agapova vs. Hannah Cifers


Agapova lands a jab to cross. Another cross for Agapova. Cifers is getting tagged. They clinch up for a moment. A jab-cross connects for Agapova and Cifers clinches up. They break apart and Cifers scores an inside leg kick. An overhand right hand connects for Cifers. Agapova responds with a three-piece. Cifers closes the distance and shoves her foe against the fence. Agapova gets free. She comes crashing in with knees to the body of Cifers. They clinch back up. Agapova circles out and lands a stiff cross. A HEAD KICK DROPS CIFERS!!! Somehow Cifers stands back up. Agapova jumps on the back with a body triangle and starts attacking with an RNC. CIfers drops down to the ground. Cifers taps!

Mariya Agapova def. Hannah Cifers by submission (RNC) at 2:42 of round 1

Preliminary Card (6 PM ET, ESPN/ESPN+)

  • Merab Dvalishvili def. Gustavo Lopez by unanimous decision (30-26 x2, 30-25): 140-pounds
  • Julia Avila def. Gina Mazany by TKO at :22 of round 1: (W) Bantamweight
  • Tyson Nam def. Zarrukh Adashev by KO at :32 of round 1 : Flyweight
  • Christian Aguilera def. Anthony Ivy by TKO at :59 of round 1: Welterweight