A main card bout between Mexican flyweights came to a premature end following an illegal knee at Lux Fight League 22.
The action between Rafael Nuñes and Cesar Vasquez was starting to pick up just over a minute into the fight when Vasquez knocked Nuñes off balance with a leg kick.
“Demoledor Jr.” quickly ran in as Nuñes hit the mat, but got a bit too aggressive and landed a knee while his Mexican compatriot was still on the ground.
Doctors examined Nuñes as Vasquez paced in his corner, but it was quickly decided that “El Perro” would be unable to continue. The fight was waved off, and Nuñes was declared the winner due to disqualification for an illegal strike.
Although it likely wasn’t how he envisioned winning, Rafael Nuñes improved his record to 2-1. The 19-year old Vasquez fell to 5-3, and the loss also halted the momentum of his previous three-fight win streak.
What’s your reaction this this illegal knee and disqualification from Lux Fight League 22?
Continue Reading Watch: Cesar Vasquez Disqualified For Illegal Knee at LFL 22 at MMA News.