WTF Herschel Walker Gives Strikeforce a Boost? Really?

The latest Strikeforce card brought Showtime 517,000 viewers, up a remarkable 51.6% from its previous broadcast.
While we’re huge Jay Hieron fans, we’re pretty sure he’s not the main reason for the increased draw.
Which leaves us with this: was the ratings boost really because of Herschel Walker (1-0)? Did people really care that much? We […]

The latest Strikeforce card brought Showtime 517,000 viewers, up a remarkable 51.6% from its previous broadcast.

While we’re huge Jay Hieron fans, we’re pretty sure he’s not the main reason for the increased draw.

Which leaves us with this: was the ratings boost really because of Herschel Walker (1-0)? Did people really care that much? We know UGA alums are fanatics, but did the entire alumni base tune-in?

Read more about the viewer boost here.